Thursday, February 4, 2010


Yesterday was a rough day for me. I think my failure to eat good food was a contributing factor, but at lunch time, I went home and laid down for a nap and woke up around 2pm feeling horribly nauseous and couldn't stand up without the room spinning. I just laid there and called in sick the rest of the day. When Jeff got home, he saw me still in my work clothes lying on my side on the couch, still nauseous and looking pale. He went to go pick up Shingil from Beth's as I still laid there...

I knew I needed to get moving or else I'd be lying there all night, so I worked up the energy to get up and start dinner. I shoved some rice crackers in my mouth to try and hold off the nausea and I made dinner for us. Luckily, once I got going, it was smooth sailing, and after eating, I felt much better.

I really should remember to eat constantly and eat healthy to keep the nausea at bay...I really never want another repeat of yesterday...

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