Saturday, September 20, 2008

Six Months Already...

Our little Tay has already turned six months old! I can't believe it...

So much has happened this last month! Our move into the new apartment went well, and Tay adjusted quite easily into the new space. Although I don't feel like we're completely moved in just yet...(it's already been over a month!) has become home for us. We're into somewhat of a routine now in the mornings. I get up to shower before Tay and Jeff are up. While I'm in the shower, usually, Tay wakes up and wakes Jeff. Jeff and Tay cuddle and play in the bed while I get ready for work. Jeff gets her dressed for the day and I take over and play with her as I grab a bite to eat and Jeff gets ready for work. Then I walk Tay over to Beth's place and head off to work.

Tay and Beth are getting along fabulously, and occasionally I feel a little jealous, but I am glad that they enjoy each other's company. Tay is always happy when I come to pick her up, but not happy just because I'm picking her up; she's happy because Beth keeps her happy. She also takes plenty of pictures and little movie clips for me during the day, as well as keep me updated on everything that goes on with Tay. I appreciate her for that.

Last week, Tay went to her six month check up and all went well. She weighed in at 21lbs. 4oz. and was 27 inches long! The doc said she was large for her age, but not abnormally or something of any concern. I looked up her size on a weight chart and it said that she was over the 95th percentile for her weight and somewhere in the 70 to 90 percentile in length. I'm still not worried because the doc's not worried and I love my healthy baby. :)

As for her nightly routine, Tay is getting a little out of sorts. She's having a hard time staying asleep at night these days unless she's co-sleeping with us. I thought I would never co-sleep with her on a regular basis, but now it's becoming a nightly thing. I actually love being able to cuddle with her at night and in the morning, but as she grows, Jeff and I are slowly getting kicked out of the bed. :) She has lately been turning perpendicular to us and kicking and pushing us out. We need to upgrade to a king-sized bed. What I've read is that as she starts entering her "separation anxiety stage (6-18 mos???), she has a harder time sleeping alone in her crib. I need to re-read The No-Cry Sleep Method and implement the measures. Just need a little time off to go a few weeks sleep-deprived to get her used to sleeping in her crib again. :) She just sleeps so well when she sleeps with us...and I love how she looks for reassurance in the middle of the night with one hand on my arm and the other on Jeff's arm as she sleeps cozily between us.

Today, Tay went to visit the gravesite of her great grandparents...and the great grandmother after whom she was named, Shingil. We took the KTX train down to Daejun in the rain and visited the site. We sang and prayed and said our hellos. The rain didn't let up the entire time. Afterward, we went to the little restaurant close by and ate a delicious meal - Tay only got to suck on an apple slice. Poor thing.

Speaking of foods, Tay's tried quite a few new foods now: rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, carrots, sweet potato, sweet peas, banana, apple, pear, and a few combos of the listed items. :) She loves it all, but I think her favorite is my homemade applesauce mixed with oatmeal. It also helps keep her quite regular...:)

My goodness, this is getting lengthy. I'll try and be back to the regular entries. It's been a bit chaotic with the new job and all...more to follow about that.
