Monday, November 10, 2008

Eight Months!

My sweet little girl is eight months old today. I can't believe it. Every day she grows a little bit cuter, a little bit sweeter, a little bit more lovable...I just can't fathom what my life was like or would be like without her.

She now has two little teeth on the bottom front, she's growing a little more hair, but still none to really call hair...she can crawl quite efficiently, she can go from crawling to sitting, pull up to a standing position, and can almost stand up from a crawling position except she can't figure out how to get from a bear crawl position to standing...yet. :) She's just so fun right now! Loving and entertaining - laughs so much and smiles at everyone. She babbles all the time now...her latest (which Jeff is proudest of) is da-da-da-da-da-da...:) She hasn't quite gotten down ma-ma yet, but she's getting close...she's gotten na-na-na-na...:) I love her so much. Her first consanant was a soft ba-ba-ba-ba, and moved on to ga-ga-ga-ga and then it was da-da. :) Now she's gotten to na-na so maybe she'll get ma-ma soon. :) She knows she never really has to call me, though...'cause I can't stop looking at her and I'll never stop loving her!

Another interesting part of Tay is that she seems to prefer the vegetables to the fruits...or maybe it's just that her sweet tooth isn't developed yet. She makes faces when I give her pear or apple sauce, but when I give her avocado (which is her favorite, lately) or broccoli (today's first introduction) - she loves it! She eats up green beans and broccoli like candy! Strange, but I'm glad she enjoys it. I'd be worried if she had a sweet tooth like Jeff or me. I also gave her a little fish for the first time today and she seemed to enjoy it. She kept opening her mouth as I ate my meal, so I gave her a little bit and she just ate it up! I'm going to have to bake some fish for her...yay!

I've never been much of a cook (Jeff will be the first to tell you that), but now that I've had Tay, all I can think of is what I can make for her - healthy choices for her to eat. I taste everything she eats before she eats it, and if it doesn't taste good to me, I don't give it to her. I love that I can so easily make such tasty food for my little one...and Jeff gets the benefit of eating some of the food I make for her before I puree it. :) It's a win-win! The website I've fallen in love with lately is It's a fabulous baby food site with great advice. :) Every mom should check it out. Healthy snacks and meals for everyone in the family...:)

Tay and her Daddy had this past week to spend a lot of time together because I was off to Camp Casey play Army games. I only came home to sleep a few hours before I had to head back off to tent city. Jeff got up with her in the morning, got her dressed, took her to the sitter, picked her up after work, and played with her until I got home around 8pm. Then it was bath time and I went to bed with her to wake up at 3 to drive back to Casey. was quite a rough week for me, but Jeff and Tay had a wonderful bonding time while I was gone.

I love her more each day...more and more and more. :) It just makes me happy. :)