Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Doctor Visit

Yesterday, I went to my 7/8 week doc visit for a check up. I got another sonogram, but this time, instead of seeing just a little blip or the yolk sac, I could actually see the little person developing in there with a little head and even a little sprout of a leg. The tech also pointed out the umbilical cord and and again, the fluttering heart. Speaking of fluttering heart, the little one's heartrate during this visit was an extremely rapid 162 bpm!!! Does this mean that this little angel growing in my belly is bound to be another little girl??? :) Who knows! Quite possibly...

During this visit, they also drew some blood and urine for some routine testing. Something that sort of bothered me a bit was that the doctor told me I was gaining too much weight too fast already! Now, see here. I have put on maybe a pound so far...I don't think that's too much weight. And telling me I'm fat now isn't going to help me...and so the doc put me on this "low glycemic index" diet to "keep my insulin strong." They didn't tell me I was diebetic or anything, but basically told me that gaining too much weight was bad...but how do they know what's too much weight for me? Why was I not told this at all with my first pregnancy? Tay was healthy and so was I! I wasn't too thrilled with getting so big by the end, but all the weight came off pretty quickly and easily.

Now I'm stressed about my weight when I really shouldn't be, should I? I have to chart my weight every week and make sure I stay under the recommended weight or else restrict my eating??? Really???

I can't believe it.

I will adjust what I eat a bit to be in line with the recommendation, but I'm sorry...dieting will not be the focus of this pregnancy. I would rather not worry about that stress (although now it's at the forefront of my mind) of staying skinny and worry more about having a healthy pregnancy.

Anyhow, all that aside, it appears this little one is growing well and my next appointment is on 11 March. One month away. Must stay under weight...noooooooooooooo!!!


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