Friday, September 13, 2013

A new beginning...

Both of my girls start German kindergarten tomorrow.

I'm not sure how I feel about it, but perhaps I have a little more anxiety than I am letting myself may have proved that I am (and the girls, too) quite nervous and anxious about tomorrow (I guess technically today since it's after midnight).

I can't sleep.

Luckily, kindergarten doesn't start until 12:30.

I did their First Day of School interviews today...Tay is so grown up.  Ri is so...silly.  :)  I think I want to keep Ri home with me so I can spend more time with her.  The more I think about it, the more I feel like I need to spend more time with Ri.  She is the only baby I didn't get to cuddle and snuggle and love on as much as I did the other two when she was little because I went back to work when she was only six weeks old...I missed so many of her milestones, it seems.

Oh, how I love this girl.  Oh, how I will miss her when she is in school...

Maybe I should keep her with me one more year and start her next year...what do you think?

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