Monday, June 7, 2010

Rough Couple of Days...

Now, as much as I hate to admit publicly that my perfect little family has off days, I find writing theraputic, so I tend to write about it.  Well, this past week has been a bit rough for all of us, but namely me because I have felt so...disconnected from the family / sad / anxious / name it, I felt it.  There was no particular incident or event that caused such emotions to build up, but I think the blame solely lies with my ever-fluctuating hormones with pregnancy.  Jeff likes to remind me that I had "emotional" days similar to this week when I was pregnant with Tay, too, but I guess I just left those out of my writing because I went back through all my past pregnancy posts and didn't come across a single one.  Moving on...

I think it was a combination of hormones, Tay catching a cold, hormones, not being able to sleep at night, hormones, back aches, and hormones that made everything seem just unbearable (things like Tay asserting her independence, Jeff letting her watch back-to-back Dora and Diego, work, etc.).  Silly things that during a not-pregnant normal week, I would have just taken in stride or simply complained about, but with all of it coming together in this one week, it has felt overwhelming and I needed an what did I do?  I walked out of the house close to midnight, went to my car in the parking garage, locked myself in it and wept.  Boo hoo hoo pitiful.  But you know what?  I felt much better after that.  The next day was a little rough since my eyes were all swollen and puffy and I didn't get hardly any sleep, but by the end of the day, I started crawling out of my self-pity hole and passed out for some good sleep on the living room floor.  :) 

The next day was MUCH brighter and I could feel my energy coming back...thank goodness.  My disconnected-ness from everyone seemed to fade and I feel somewhat back to normal again.

Let's hope I don't have any more of these weird week-long emotionally-off periods for the rest of this pregnancy...ugh.

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