Friday, June 18, 2010

Lack of Sleep leads to Meltdowns...

...and even more sleep loss.  But, I think I've got my job cut out for me for the next few weeks because after next week, we'll be traveling on vacation, so trying to set a routine when we're going to be someplace that had a 13-hour time difference will not make things easy.  I am SOOOOOO looking forward to the vacation,'s much needed after the past few weeks of hormonal imbalance and meltdowns (both Tay and me, at least on the meltdowns).  I really want some down time with the family outside of the bustling city that is Seoul...

In other happier (perhaps funnier) news, Tay has taken up a few funny sayings like, "Hey, GUYS! Come seeee this!" about whatever it is she happens to be doing, or "What're you dooooing, guys?"  I'm not exactly sure where she picked up they "guys" phrase, but I assume it's from her playgroup or something because I don't hear Jeff or me saying that at all.  She will also frequently point out that I have a baby in my belly, and sometimes she'll even remember that her name is Riley.  Then, when I ask her what she has in her tummy, she'll say, "Food" in a very matter-of-fact tone.  Obviously.  She has also taken to asking other people what they have in their tummies...which can sometimes catch a few people off guard. 

Many mornings lately have started way earlier than normal because she would wake up, and the first thing she would do is either call for Daddy or Mommy, and when one of us comes to see her, she'll ask for Dora or Diego.  Well, this morning was a little different, but I think it's because her loss of sleep was catching up to her.  I heard her rustling around in her bed around 6am, but I didn't hear her get up.  She also didn't call for either of us.  I lay there waiting until around 6:20 or so...still a little rustling here and there, but no getting out of bed or coming to our bed.  So...I got up to start getting ready for the morning, expecting her to get out of bed then once she heard me get up, but she stayed in her bed, still rustling around and rolling back and forth from her stomach to her back and occasionally raising her foot to the ceiling and settling it back down again.  I just snuck glipmpses at her in her bed as I got ready for the day.  It was around 6:45 when I finally walked over to her bed to find her still lying there looking at the ceiling with her little leg raised.  She looked at me and said, "Hi, Mama."  I asked her, "How'd you sleep?" and she responded with a soft, "Good."  Then, she rubbed her little eyes and stretched a bit and said to me in one big sigh, "Mommy, I tiiiiiiired."  Hehehe...that's why she hadn't gotten out of bed or anything.  She reached up her arms toward me with a pleading look of "please pick me up," which I couldn't resist, so I picked her up and she wrapped her little body around my ever-growing body.  We picked out some clothes for the day, her still attached to me like a baby koala and we made our way to my bed to get her dressed.  Looks like it might be a good day to start readjusting her sleep schedule...earlier bedtime, here we come!  Hopefully...

I am so very glad it is the weekend.  I'm looking forward to some down time and family time and a special Father's Day!

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