Well, my impatience in finding out the gender of this little one growing in my belly got so out of hand that I ordered an Intelligender Predictor Kit from target.com. I first heard about it from my friend Sarah who had her little baby in the earliest part of this year, so I was intrigued to try it now as well. Obviously it's not 100% accurate, but it wasn't too pricy and my curiosity won out, so I purchased one. The test explains that you can take it from 10 weeks on, but when I hit 10 weeks, Jeff was still out of town, so I waited until now because I wanted a second opinion on the "color" of the sample.
You're supposed to use the first morning urine sample, so I happily collected that this morning (j/k) and followed their directions to include waiting 10 minutes before "reading" the color of the sample in the cup. At 10 minutes, we both took a look at the color and I automatically said, DEFINITELY BOY, but then, Jeff had to confuse me and said there's a hint of orange in there (which could mean a girl). So, Jeff's guessing girl and I'm guessing boy for now.
Who knows...it was fun to see what might come up anyway. Of course, we'll not know for sure until we get the ultrasound (and of course that's not 100% either, but close enough), but for the time being, it's interesting (and a bit scary) to think I might have a little boy growing in there...how in the world do I raise a little boy???
Part of me still thinks it's going to be a little girl...but maybe I'll be one of the 85% that the gender predictor kit predicted properly...:)
We'll see. Just hope you're doing well in there, little one.
Week 12 down; on with week 13!
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