Monday, November 13, 2017

Oops...another month gone already!

I can't believe I've slacked for a month already.

It is already November, and I can't even use travel as an excuse this past month...

Some thoughts rolling around my head at this hour:
1. The hour between 5:00 am and 6:00 am is the longest hour for me (a good kind of long) because if I make myself get up and be productive at 5 before anyone else wakes up, I can be so productive that I can enjoy almost (what feels like) an entire day to myself before the sun starts creeping up and the rest of the house begins to stir.

2. There should be an adult "kata-only" karate class where I can go and just practice kata for an hour. Jeff reminded me that I'm probably thinking of Tai Chi...maybe I should look for a class.

3. Sometimes, the decisions people make are strange.

Well, my late night/early morning mission is done, so I'll just post a few pics from the past month, and call it a night.

 So this little gal also got her ears pierced. Unfortunately, both girls were still in soccer season, so had to take the earrings out before it was time, and the holes grew back, so they'll have to wait for after the season before they can go back to get them re-pierced!
 Over fall break, I took a day off and took the girls up to Dave & Busters for the first time. What fun! and the food was delicious! Definitely a place worth going to again.
 While wandering around a mall, we saw this store...and the first thought that came to mind was that maybe...this store was owned by a Korean? Do you know why?
 The painted rocks movement is big here in SV, and she found two of them on one day! Still need to go hide them.
 This guy loves water - any kind - and he'll just play and play and play if you let him.

 We had our annual pumpkin carving night - this one was mine and it turned out AWESOME, if I do say so myself.
 Here's the whole bunch.
 I'm back at crocheting again, so here was one of the hats I made - a little too large for this kid.
 Tay's been stepping it up in soccer as the goalie. She doesn't care for the position - if she had a choice, she'd play mid - but sometimes we just need her there, and she does a great job.
 While at the games or practices, the two littles do things like throw grass in their hair...
 Goal kick.
 She got to bring Pooh home from her class for a few days. Took him everywhere she went and got some pictures for the scrap book.
 The guys hanging out watching a game.
 SOS mass day at the school church. Put Q in an old uniform shirt and big sister's navy shorts and he looked just like a regular student! He's such a big boy...almost the same size as my 4-year-old now!
 Tay tried out for a play, so she's been practicing it at home with a dedicated audience. She got the part!
 These two...always playing around with each other. Best buds.

 Both our oldest got awards this last month for honor roll (Ri doesn't get letter grades yet, but she got recognized in her class for being a good student).
 My only travel this last month was right at the end of October (I missed Halloween...). They sent me to a conference in Miami - my first time there. It was lovely, but the conference was a little too hip for me.
 I did participate on game day, though! Sack races...
 Giant hamster ball. Fun times.
 And of course, I loved the beach. Didn't get to spend much time on it except in the early mornings before the conference began, but it was worth it.

 From the dinner location - lovely view of the city lights.
 Early morning sunrise on a cloudy day.

 Had the largest red velvet cheese cake for dessert at a yummy diner in Miami...called the Big Pink...
 A few Halloween group shot! A witch
  A Victorian vampire.
 Owlet from PJ Masks!
 And our Thanksgiving Turkey is ready for Thanksgiving.
 Love this kid. What a great smile and laughter.
 Huge full moon out last week.

 At the school parking lot!
 Can't get over the skies here...every morning is a masterpiece.
 Oh, my friend's album is out! Look up Oliver Caplan, You are not Alone. It's beautiful.
 Made some pumpkin muffins the other day...since it is fall and all.

 The kids got to play in some flour...

 Should have anticipated the slippery mess...
And good night...from two snugly kiddos and a very tired mom.

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