I'm not sure if I can ever catch up...or even want to catch up.
My attention is greatly scattered these days.
But, I miss writing...so here I am.
So, biggest thing happening in my life right now is my pregnancy. As many of you know if you have read my previous posts, I had a miscarriage in early January 2015. That is all I have to say about that. Fortunately, I was able to put that event out of mind for a short while, then I discovered I was pregnant again. This was the first pregnancy that was met with an equal distribution of joy, fear, and anxiety. I didn't even tell Jeff about it at first...until the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. At my second appointment, when they found the heartbeat, I felt a rush of relief, but the anxiety still lingered. At my next appointment, I held my breath as they went to look for the heartbeat again. Still there...another huge sigh of relief. I think every appointment since then, I have been holding my breath as they checked on my growing baby in my womb. I am now in my 36th week of pregnancy. My next appointment is next Tuesday - and I still have a lingering fear that something might be wrong. I wonder if I will still feel this way until I hold this precious child in my arms for the first time...
My estimated due date is the 30th of January. He is measuring about two weeks ahead of schedule by ultrasound measurement, but a baby will come when the baby is ready...I am hoping not to have to evict this one on my own timeline.
So much change is potentially coming our way in this new year of 2016. I felt like I was finally getting the hang of all the changes that occurred in 2015...and now, we may be facing even greater changes to come in 2016.
Anyhow, I just want to keep a positive mindset and stop being so anxious about everything. Especially with Baby on the way very soon, I need to get my rose-colored glasses back on and look on the brighter side of life instead of worrying about every possible dark cloud that may come our way. So, writing has been my way to relieve stress and anxiety - and writing things down seem to really put things in perspective for me, so here I am - back on the blog - hoping to share some thoughts and joys with you from the past year that I want to keep in the memory bank. Let's just hope I can remember it all...maybe just hit the highlights.
Indoor tubing? I think this was at Kintex in Ilsan.
A sweet moment captured when all three girls were giggling and having fun under one of the bunk beds.
Cuddling with mommy before bed.
Someone climbed up into Unni's top bunk...not sure if she's happy or scared.
A humming harmonica made by Ri during school. I love her school, by the way.
How on earth did we end up with a strawberry blonde child? The lighting really brings out the color of her hair.Silly girl.
Trying out crocheting like mommy.
Dinner date plus one...the older two could go play at an indoor playground, but she wasn't old enough to stay without an adult chaperone. So, she joined us for some pho.
Another couple of pics from her school - she is prepping her snack at snack time.
Chopped her fruits and now she is skewering them. Love her little apron.
January is also basketball season kickoff - this was probably from the first game of the season.
Photo-bomber as I tried to take a pic of the team setting up.
Shinah's drawing of a butterfly on her LeapPad. Why so sad?
We visited the floating islands on this clear day...it was frickin' freezing!
We did get some yummy honey toast and hot chocolate, I think.
Okay. So I'm sure there are many more pictures, but January was a sad month for me due to the loss of our baby, so I am going to stop there for now. I think I'll end this post here and start a new post for February and beyond. Maybe I will get caught up.
Sorry if this post seems disjointed because I have written this post over the course of about seven days. Just don't have time to just sit and write a good post...and I don't have time to go back and review...apologies.
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