Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our First Month Back in Korea - July 2014

I know I'm way behind.  Haven't written since we've been back in Korea...but we do have some pictures to share.  I'll try and get caught up.  July started off with lots of swimming at the outdoor pool. 
Plenty of giggles while getting settled back into Korea...even while hotel-living for a few days before moving into our new home.
When we finally moved in, none of our household goods had arrived yet...and none of it was due in until mid-August. what to do...but meditate on the one mattress we had...hehehe...
The view from our new apartment was still nice...
And we did break down and bought a dining room table so we could stop eating off the floor...;) And of course, the ever-reusable Solo cups...
Kids got their play time in a little in the toy store.
Ah yes...the "cool" kid...I have three of those.
Pigtails! Teeny, tiny pigtails.
Here she is hollering for Harabuji (grandfather) to come out!
I had the great fortune of being able to catch up with one of my favorite mentors from my Army days, COL(R) Astin.
Plenty of sleeping happened in July (at least during the day time since jet lag was kicking our tails)...
Some dress-up time...
And an acquisition of a giant couch/bed for sleeping on until (and beyond) our household goods arrived.
When there is a toddler in the house, there is also plenty of running away and diaper removal. Every one of my kids have gone through the nudist phase...why is this?
July is also the month we celebrate Jeff's birthday! I got to take him out for a dinner date.
Family selfies can be fun.
Whoa...not sure what's going on here, but this is the madness I deal with at bed time.  Pray for me.
How the girls slept in July...most of the time.
Lots of time was spent on the couch/bed, though.
That's about all the photos I have to share for July. Jeff and I were pretty busy getting back into the swing of things at work and our new routines back in Korea.  On to August...

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