Another week has passed with no real change from the previous week except that we now have our leave date from Germany with plane tickets in hand. Things are moving in a direction...although we are not sure exactly what direction that is yet...perhaps we will hear something this coming week?
We also had a food poisoning sufferer this week in the family - Ri - which resulted in the parents staying up all night long with a retching child (from about midnight to 5am). It was strange because we all ate the same thing, but she must have just gotten a bite that had bacteria on it. was a rough night for the three of us...two sheet changes and four pajama changes and many, many relfs into a bucket. Poor kid. Luckily, the other two slept well enough and weren't bothered by all the late-night activity.
Anyhow, moving on...this week, as I said before, had nothing too momentous, except this little stinker turned 11 months old. It doesn't seem like it has been that long, and I am totally not ready for her to turn one year old yet...but I guess she has had quite a full first year of life outside the
Her favorite thing to do these days is exploring...all over the house. She continues to surprise me with her when she threw everything out of the shelf and climbed in:
She constantly tries to copy her big sisters. Here, she is trying to climb up the slide like her sisters did when they were playing...and she gets so frustrated when she can't do it.One morning as I was doing the dishes, I saw a blur of yellow run by behind me so I followed her and asked her to stop for a second.
I had to get a photo...I zoomed in...
...I'm not sure what she was doing. I don't know if you can see, but she has her bathing suit on underneath the princess dress, and she is wearing a neck warmer/scarf...
My girl...adorable.
Hooray! Guess who learned to stand up all by herself this week? See?
We spent some lovely time outdoors this week...the weather was "warm" enough...we even laid out a picnic blanket for the baby to explore outside and watch the big sisters swing and play.
Of course, we took some selfies.
Oh, Ri and I switched hats, by the way...
Ri took some selfies, too. :)
...and can totally see her baby face here.
Meal times continue to be...interesting. She is a food-flinger.
Someone was pouting because it was bath time and she wanted to watch another episode of "Spark-el-es (Hercules)."
Post-bath adorable-ness. She has a mohawk!
Ri was drawing on the Magna-doodle, and Rea wanted a turn...she actually did a fair amount of scribbling!
My flash really doesn't help with photos.
Crazy rotating sleeper.
Another flash photo...
Breakfast fun...
I promise I'm not prompting her to make the peace sign!
The other breakfast attendee.
An artistic photo taken by Ri...of the stitched apple that Tay made.
So many selfies this week...
Attack of the wobbly drool monster!
"Let me out!!!" -Rea
She was tired of eating what she had so she grabbed the rice off of my plate and took a bite...and I caught her.
First horseback ride on Daddy...loved it!
As I was leaving the house to take the girls to school, I saw this set up on the floor...a tiny Prince next to a huge Cinderella...
Ready for school!
Home from dropping off the big sisters at Kindergarten...I'm not sure what she's doing.
Love sleeping babies...
Oh, this is the photo of my Ri when she got sick and threw up all night...finally passed out.
After another pajama change...passed out again. Poor girl...
A lovely farewell lunch at a friend's house (the girls' babysitter's family)
They have four or five rabbits!
And last, but not least...another Ri selfie...
Sorry for the jumbled photos. We're still trying to figure out our next move, as I said before, so please excuse the sad quality of these Sunday updates until we have some idea of what our next step will be in our lives.