Let's start off June with some pics of the carnival that came to town. It was blazing hot that day, and there was really no one else there. The girls had a blast, though...riding the rides they could and playing as many games as our wallets would allow...
Can't forget the face painting. We had a strange little visitor in our yard...it looked like a beaver...
It ran away so fast, too...what would a beaver be doing in our yard so far away from any natural source of water?
Baby wanted a turn on the scooter.
A fun(ny) family hike through Sugar Hollow. It's so gorgeous there...and so family friendly. The girls and I spent so much time there this trip. I don't know why I didn't as much in the many trips to Bristol before...
The girls love climbing this structure.
Even baby loves it there!
We were there so much, even the Bristol Herald saw us...
We even brought the cousins there when they visited us!

Saturday mornings consisted of pancakes and bacon! Our main cooks for Saturday morning breakfast...
She loves flipping those flap jacks!My Appa took up the role of "Personal Assistant" to Baby.
We also took a family trip to Hungry Mother State Park. What a great place for families! Funny start of the visit there was when we drove through the gate where the parking attendant gave us our parking pass, Ri chirps from the back seat shortly after passing the gate, "HE'S SO HANDSOME!" I'm certain the young man heard...so from there we went into a discussion about why she thought he was handsome and wow, was that an interesting conversation...having to do with how nice his hair was. First time I've ever heard any observance like that come out of any of our girls' mouths...other than their Daddy. Gonna have to watch out for this one...;)
Anyhow, the water temp was great and we all really had a great time!
That's Tay leaping off the diving board in pink...
Not sure why these photos are in black and white, but they looked nice, so I just left them.
I was never a fan of getting buried in the sand...but these girls didn't seem to mind at all.
Oh, and Tay and Jeff took a paddle boat ride.I have always loved the stormy season in Virginia...and the warm rain that came with it. Always cooled everything down...and usually ended with a beautiful rainbow. We got a chance to see quite a few rainbows this June. Rainbows even as it is still raining. Beautiful.
We went on a visit to Fern Valley Farm on one of their family days. What an interesting place and fun for the children...
One of these is not like the others...can you spot him?Baby chick sitting on Ri...
The perspective in this photo makes my Tay look like the same size as Ri...
They caught some chickens!
Also got to pull some carrots! Yummy!
Oh, we held our first-ever yard sale...hopefully our last ever...good grief. What an exhausting event!
As we were packing up the house and opening up a whole bunch of boxes to see if we needed to keep/donate/throw out stuff, we came across some interesting things from our past...and it weirdly merged into the present in instances like this...scary.
And there was quite a bit of dress-up play...
Even Baby got in on the action...Sometimes, well...most of the time...when kids are quiet, I need to worry and I have to go searching for them just to make sure they are not getting into trouble. Well, this time when they were silent and I went to look for them, this is what they were doing...how happy was I? :)
This was the book series they were looking through...we had just finished them the night before...
I love sleeping babies...even when they use me as a bed...
And I also love the silly bed-head after...
Ah...the girls went a little crazy catching crawdads...once they saw that they could. Never fear, we did release them.
The girls got hair cuts while we were in Bristol, too.
Love these girls...Child labor going on in the house...
Swim lessons in the summer, of course. The VHS swim lessons are the best, by the way.
Cuddling, sleeping babies. <3 p=""> Some sewing Tay did while in Bristol...she made a bed, two pillows, and a blanket for her "fairy house."
Baby wanted to try on Unni's dress...
Yummy donuts from the Blackbird Bakery for Donut Day!
Baby pulled her ducky around like this all over the place...always making sure it was upright.
She's helping me find 4-leaf clovers. She's my lucky charm. I probably found about 12 or so 4-leaf clovers in our front yard with her. :) Anyone wanna buy our lucky house? It's up for sale...
We closed a huge chapter in our lives (mostly my parents' lives) when this happened. The seventh of June 2014 will go down in history as the day Golden Dragon's doors closed for good. It should be a historic landmark. What do you miss most about Golden Dragon? Me, probably the egg rolls...and all the time I spent there growing up...
Now, my parents lives are filled with this...
...and these...
Blue skies ahead. :)
...and rainbows! Pray for us.
That they may survive this silliness.
Beautiful rose after the rain.
I'm not sure what's going on here, but just wanted to show that her hair is long enough to be tied up finally!
Ah...more sleeping babies...
Love the skies in Virginia...not a cloud to be seen after the storms have blown away.
Headband baby.Yawning baby. (Does seeing a photo of someone yawning make you want to yawn, too? ::yawn::)
Dressed up baby in her hanbok. We were trying to get a good photo of her since we never did a formal 1-year photo session with her like we did the other two. Didn't work so well. So, I think we might just do it here a few months late since we are back in Korea anyway.
Hahaha...she's still pretty cute, though. Even with her pajamas on under her hanbok.
Hm...not sure what happened here, but she has her sister's underpants on over her pajamas and one sock.
Snuggly baby.
Packing was an adventure with this one...she kept wanting to climb into all the suit cases.
But she'd smile and we'd all get over it.
Oh, I got to link up with an old friend from Korea...almost exactly one year apart in the exact same place as she drove through town. Hi, Kim!
Steamy day outside...Baby taking a walk with her Harabuji.
Baby bed head.
Selfie silliness.
Good morning...? Guess who is the morning person...and guess who are not?
She really wanted to try on the backpack. She could probably have fit in that backpack!
Selfie time again!
We went to go see my brother! Hadn't seen him in so long! When did he get so much taller than me?!
What a crazy, brief visit, but so good to see him again. :)
My girls are huge fans of their Uncle Han.
And another beautiful rainbow in the midst of a storm on the way home.
And finally...our travel day...we were scheduled to fly on the 26th of June to get to Korea on the 27th...but it was not meant to be...long story. So, we flew to Atlanta and stayed overnight at a hotel...and flew out on the 27th of June. Landed in Korea on the 28th of June...eerily the same date as the date we first landed in the United States way back in 1986 when we first immigrated to the US from Korea. Was this whole thing meant to be?
Sleepy babies as we wait for our shuttle to the hotel in Atlanta...phew. And this is the last photo of us in the US for June. And the last photo of this post.
Unti next time...wishing all of you the best!3>