I really am going to get with it eventually, but I am just so tired lately...it has to do with all the additional Christmas activities we are adding to our daily routine...so I have put "cleaning the house" on the back burner...so I'm constantly playing catch-up to make sure the girls' lunches are still able to be packed and they have clean clothes in their cabinets.
Without further delay, here goes nothing. Let me begin this post with some photos of some "NEED TO GO TO SLEEP" babies...and some sleeping babies. This is part of the reason I am lacking in head clarity, but they are still pretty cute, so I can't really complain. This one is of baby (who should be sleeping), but instead if playing peek-a-boo.
Another blurry reason I can't sleep at night. When the girls end up sleeping like this all in the same area, they keep waking each other up...which means I keep waking up...and it takes me much longer to fall back asleep than them. Again, at least they are adorable when they're all piled up sleeping together.What babies do when they should be going to sleep...kissing each other. How can I be upset with that?
Here, the little one is only pretending to be asleep...as soon as I stood up to leave the room, she turned around and gave me a big ol' grin.
I was downstairs working on my computer when baby decided she wanted me to hold her and would not let me put her down...so I just carried her downstairs so she wouldn't wake the others. And shortly after I came down, my middle tottered down the stairs, too, and came to lie down on my lap. See her little head there?
My silly sleepy elves who were refusing to sleep...
...even when they were super tired and slap-happy.
Baby too tired to even sit up, but still won't go to sleep.
Look at these cuties...non-sleepers! Rrrrrrr...
OK. Enough with my excuses...they're pretty cute excuses, though, right? On with the rest of the festivities! This week, the girls and I made some cinnamon salt-dough ornaments. What an excellent recipe I found on Pinterest HERE.
The texture was really nice, the scent was excellent and festive.The girls loved rolling it manipulating it...
The cut outs came out clean and it was easy to handle, like play dough!
The drying took a little longer than I expected. I used a straw to make the holes.
I used a toothpick to do a few imprints.
I lost the paint I was going to use...so I have to find it or buy another one before I can finish these with ribbon for hanging.
A little gift I received from my sweet Tay.She has been drawing and crafting a lot these days.
Ri and Rea, however, have been more "active"...crawling and climbing...
Doing some reading...Tasting some reading...?
She continues to make faces as usual...here she is with the upper-lip sucked in.
Foggy walk to school one day...
...but came across this for the first time!
Look at this sweet girl...
...and this one! Hahaha...we were trying on Ri's goggles...she liked 'em!
One morning this week, Ri woke up and the first thing she put on (after stripping out of her pajamas) was her goggles.
She kept them all morning...through breakfast...and almost to school!
When we were looking through one of our art books, I was asking Ri what "action" was going on in each picture. When we got to this one for "riding," she goes, "He's going to save the princess!"
Since Rea has been much more active and mobile lately, she has been really getting into it with her sisters. I got a decent series of shots this time around with the promise from the older girls that they would wrestle gently (is it even possible?) with their baby sister. Ri is taking her down, but Rea's putting up a pretty good fight!
Rea's power-move is that she can grab hair like nobody's business...and she lets out battle cries like a pro. ;)
The older two wrestle all the time and wear each other out.Wee one is tuckered from all the wrestling... :)
...but she's having fun.
The older two back at it again!
Back at it!
Rea's taking down Ri!
Oh yeah. I got this.
The end of last week, we took a trip to Edelweiss again! On the drive down, we had to take a potty break and Ri got all bundled up to get out at the rest stop...and I had to take a picture of this because of what she said: "Mama, I SO FLUFFY!"
The drive was beautiful, as before, but it was extra lovely because of the smattering of snow everywhere. This is on the drive to Innsbruck which is where we went from Edelweiss to see the Christmas Market!
The Christmas market we went to at Innsbruck was the "family" one at Marktplatz and it was just perfect. The girls got GIANT cotton candy
Glüwein is always popular, of course. Here's my stud of a husband
My baby...love her licky-kisses...hehehe...
Ah, and the Swarovski crystal Christmas tree. Look at my cotton candy babies...hehehe...
It's a pink beard!
More scenery.
Relaxing in the hotel...
Wrestling off her socks...
Garmish Christmas market. Lovely...
This little gal turned 9 months old this week! How I love her sweet smiles! Her whole face lights up!
I love her.Since she has been pulling up, she has been even sillier than she is normally. Our couch is a little high, so she can just get her chin up on it...and she thinks it's funny to squish her cheeks on the couch and grin at me...
...she's so STINKIN' CUTE!
You can't tell me she's not adorable.
Jeff has worked hard at lighting up our house for Christmas and he got these darling little reindeer for our yard!
And we have been cookie-decorating fools...
My spaceship bell ornaments.
Mini-Christmas trees decorated by Tay!
OH! I forgot to add the photos of the sledding adventure we had while at Edelweiss!
The girls had SO much fun...Tay and Ri were so sweet to each other...a rare moment these days for any length of time. :)
We stuck around to watch...
It was fun, but it was getting chilly for our noses.
...ah, some hot chocolate to warm us up.
Rea wanted a go on the sled, too. Hehehe...
The end. :)
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