Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My little big girl...

I look at my Tay every day and every night and think, my goodness she has grown so much...but she is still so little.  She still can't even reach the light switches in our house.  But she's over twice as big as she was when she was first born.  She's an incredibly good communicator in amazingly complete sentences, although sometimes it takes her a couple tries to get it right, and her little mind is like a lock box that once a piece of information has been stored, it is locked in tight so she can think back and retrieve it and apply that piece of knowledge or information at the right moment.  It's amazing to me.

I know that she's going to be a great big sister, and I also know that she's going to take some time to adjust to having another member of the family joining us on a permanent basis.  It will be hard for her to see me holding the little baby when she so wants to be held and it will be hard for her to know that I won't be able to lift her up (like I still do today) right after the baby comes.  I do my best to try and not lift her, but sometimes, she just needs me to so I can I say no?  How much cuddle time will I lose with my little big girl?  We cuddle and giggle a lot, you's so least for me.  Sometimes she even stops me and says, "Umma, that's enough."  But then, of course, she giggles and cuddles me right back.  :) 

I guess we just have to practice cuddling a lot with baby sister included so we don't squish her. 

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