Monday, May 17, 2010

2-year check up

Last week, I took Tay to her two-year check up at Cha Hospital.  It's two months later than when she actually turned two, but I delayed because she was due a booster shot in May anyway, so I figured I'd get two tasks done with one trip.

All the nurses at the office were shocked at how much she has grown because they hadn't seen her since her 18-month check-up and shots.  At this visit, she was measured at a tad over 35 inches (almost three feet!) and weighed in at 31.3 pounds.  I found that as long as Tay knows what to expect when we go some place new or she has to experience something new, she'll be fairly cooperative and go along with whatever is necessary without any tantrums or battles.  Before we had the doctor's appointment (like a day or two before), I explained to her that on Thursday, we were going to go visit the doctor at the hospital.  Then, on the day that we were scheduled to go, I told her that morning that she was going to go see the doctor today and that he was going to listen to her heart and back, look in her ears and mouth, and maybe even check her teeth.  I didn't mention that she was going to get a shot, least not until about five minutes before she was going to get the shot.  Didn't want her to dwell on it all day...

Anyhow, when we got to the appointment, she stood very still on the scale to get her weight (we practiced at home on our home scale...she loved standing on the scale and yelling TWO NINE as the numbers come up).  Then, she stood very straight and tall for her height measurement.  She let the nurse check her temperature, too.  Then we went upstairs to the waiting area to wait for the doc.  The waiting area had quite a few kids with their parents, but she's a social one, so she went right up to one of the play tables, said hi, and commenced playing.  Definitely thankful for that.  After a little bit of a wait, we were called into the doc's office.  She sat on my lap as the doc listened to her chest and back, she let him look in both ears with no fight, and she even opened her mouth up wide so he could check inside.  :)  Since she jabbered on the entire visit (minus when he was checking her over), she stacked some nesting dolls, and ran into the office in the beginning, the doc says she's developmentally right on track and doing very well.  Not much of an assessment, but whatever.  She already had a developmental check-up by the EDIS people here on Yongsan at a playgroup, so I'm satisfied with their assessment of her. 

Then, we went downstairs to the "shot" room, to get her booster.  We got down there and I took a number and Tay and I had a quick chat about getting shots.  I explained that she was now going to get a shot in her arm and that it was going to hurt just a little bit, but it's to keep her healthy and strong as grows up.  Her response, "Okay, Umma."  Shots usually make me more nervous than it does her, so I was hoping for the best.  Our number came up and we went in and sat down.  I sat her on my lap, facing out, and rolled up her left arm sleeve.  The nurse came in with the shot and asked me to hold her shoulder and elbow so she wouldn't jerk.  Tay started squirming a little when she saw the shot, but I held onto her and told her to look away because that would make it less scary.  She looked away and the nurse gave her the shot, Tay yelled and tried turning her head to look, but I told her to look away so she turned her head back quickly.  It was all over and Tay cried a bit, but the nurse stuck a Pororo bandaid on her arm, so when I showed her the bandaid, she stopped crying immediately and I asked her if her arm hurt.  She said, "No, Umma.  I'm good." little sport.

Now I wonder if her next shot will go quite so smoothly.  I foresee a little more resistence the next time since she'll probably remember the initial pain of the stick, but maybe not...since she knows it doesn't last long. 

I love her so much.  We had her outside almost all weekend this past weekend...we took her to Children's Grand Park and we let her play on the downstairs playground quite a bit.  I'm loving the warmer let's keep the yellow dust at bay and it's going to be a great summer!

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