Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Real Doc Appointment

This morning was the first real doctor's appointment regarding the pregnancy.

All anxiety aside, the visit was great! I got to hear the baby's heart beat...beating at 109 bpm...which is much slower than when we heard Tay for the first time...she was beating at 156 bpm! The first thought that came to mind was that it could be a boy!

I also got to see how much larger the gestational sac had become and saw the little flickering heartbeat of the 2mm-long baby growing in there. Amazing...

Never had the chance to see Tay so it looks like this will be quite the experience. The early information adds a bit of anxiety to the whole pregnancy, though...with Tay, it was mostly just checking to see if she was growing okay and such, but in the earliest stages, I was mostly concerned with how sick I was going to get...not worrying about the clarity of the yolk sac or residual blood in my I'm worrying about those things, too!

Maybe those things are better not to know...but it's nice to see the little one already flickering in there...amazing.

Looking forward to getting to tell the family...

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