Ah, the past few weeks have been a bit busy...rough, persay. Not necessarily bad, but definitely not the greatest. Work has been crazy and because of that, I have not been able to spend the time I wanted to with our little Tay...and it is showing. I've never felt so distant from my little one as I do right now...which comes with the timing and the fact that I've been working crazy hours...Jeff says it's only a phase, but it really just means she's growing up and becoming more independent. (I really am gonna have empty-nest syndrome when she goes off to college, aren't I???) It almost felt like I was going through some form of post-partum baby blues...but so late in the game? Really? Odd. Anyhow, although emotionally I've been a bit of a wreck these past few weeks, there has been some wonderful-ness that came of it all.
Well, here's really the breakdown of it:
1. Since work's been so crazy, I've been getting home late, but it also means that Tay's been spending bunches of time with Daddy...which has been wonderful.
2. Since work's been so crazy, the event that was making me crazy went off mostly without a hitch and the evening itself turned out quite nicely...minus the wrecked feet and exhustion.
3. Tay has decided to start weaning herself. For those of you readers who don't believe breastfeeding past one year is acceptable, I apologize if I am offending you, however, I am still breastfeeding and quite happy about it. Tay nurses when she goes to bed (yes, I check her teeth constantly for decay), but the last week, she has just wanted to cuddle with me and it has been amusing and wonderful at the same time. But...because I have not had the time lately to spend with her, this sudden decision on her part to stop this closeness that we had wreaked havoc on my emotions...after she went to sleep, of course. After crying it out and Jeff consoling me, I felt a bit better and accepted the fact that I should be grateful that she is weaning on her own instead of me forcing it with much crying by Tay. I don't think she's completely weaned, as she still wants to nurse occasionally in the middle of the night the past couple nights, but the process has begun and I am now emotionally ready to handle it...
4. Since work's been so crazy, Tay has become totally a daddy's girl. :) I was actually a bit hurt by this, because I was her #1 for such a long time, but it's so wonderful to see her hugging and kissing daddy and constantly looking for him when he's not around. She gets the biggest smile on her face when she sees him and says, "Appaaaaaaaa" in the most excited whisper her tiny little voice can exclaim...it's beautiful. It does make putting her down at night a little more difficult, though, as she'll be cuddling and thinking about going to sleep, and then suddenly, she'll sit right up in bed and yell, "Appa!"
5. Tay's to the point now that she'll let us know if she needs to go pee pee or poo poo, but she generally tells us as she's about to go, so it's been hit or miss whether or not we make it to the potty. :) Sometimes she thinks she has to go, and we'll sit her on the potty, and then she doesn't go right away, so she think she doesn't have to go...and then I set her off the potty and she walks over to get a new diaper, and she pees...oops. So, we're still working on it, but she's not adverse to the whole potty training concept, so I'm not going to really start training or pushing the potty until she's at least 18 months.
All in all, my family is just whirling on thankfully, and even though I am busy or back to a regular schedule, it will continue to whirl on beautifully. I am finally over the whole emotional rollercoaster, I think, and much less sleep-deprived, so I'm able to start seeing things in perspective. I'm excited (and a little sad) that my little girl is growing up so fast...I am thankful for my family, and the strides we are taking together.