Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is a test.

I'm testing out the new "email posting" capabillity that blogger has made an option for me.  I wonder how it works...
It says all I have to do is email this email address and it will post to my blog automatically.  Fascinating!
So it's a test.
Yesterday, Tay started to say bah-bah, bah-bah, and I thought she was saying Appa, or baa baa from "baa baa black sheep"...nope.  I was wrong.  She was actually saying "Bye-bye"...:)  In the sweetest little innocent voice...this morning as we left the house, she waved back into the house and said "bah-bye" and blew a flying kiss.  :)  I can't believe how lovable my little baby is...she's growing so fast and even more quickly, she is learning things at light-speed.  It's truly incredible how quickly children absorb and learn everything around them.  I really need to continue speaking Korean to her more and more...I truly want her to be bilingual...it's so very important to me.  I want her to be able to communicate freely in both languages.  I must enable her. 
I love her.  She makes me smile every single day...a thousand times!
Who can't smile at this beautiful face...

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