Friday, October 10, 2008

Seven Months Old!

Little Tay woke me up around midnight the night before last whining, so when I went to pick her up, I noticed she felt warmer than usual, so I took her temperature. It was 100.9! I was so surprised and worried. I took off her nightie and got a wet wash cloth to cool her off. I continued to take her temperature probaby every five minutes until around 2am when the temp finally went down to about 99 degrees. She still hadn't sweat at all, which is very unusual for her, so I was still worried but she was feeling better so she fell back asleep. Around 4am, she was awake again and her fever was back. She was only sleeping in a diaper! Her temp was now up to 101.2 and I thought about calling the ER, but decided against it because she was still nursing strong and when she cooled off a bit, she was happy and wanted to play. I cooled her off again with a wet wash cloth. At around 4:45am, her fever finally broke and she soaked the sheets where her head lay. We fell asleep again, Tay cuddled in my arms. Then, around 6am, we woke up to my alarm and I took her temperature again. It was back up to 101, so I debated ditching work and just taking her to the hospital, but I had read that really all they'll do for an infant over six months who doesn't have a fever over 103 will just be given some medicine and sent home. Also, Korean hospitals these days are too quick to medicate, so I didn't want to default to that yet. She wasn't lethargic or overly cranky, and I knew she was due to pop her first tooth soon, so I just cooled her off again. I let her play a bit as I got ready, and when I was ready for work, I noticed her fever was back down again. I took her to the sitter's and asked her to check her temp every 15 minutes or so and to let me know as soon as it started going up again. Luckily, the fever never went up beyond 99 again, so I worked only about half a day and went home to take care of Tay.

When I got to the sitter's to pick up Tay, she told me that she thinks there's a tooth that cut through the gum! I looked and felt it with my finger, and there was! She has sprouted a little tooth - the front bottom right one! :) My baby got her first tooth one day before her seven month birthday! :)

I can't believe little Tay's already seven months old. She has grown so much! She now knows how to roll front to back to front, pull her body up off of the floor onto her hands and knees, scoot forward, backward, and in circles, sit up all by herself, and wave hi and bye! She's just the most adorable thing in the world and I love her more and more each second of each day...I still can't believe it.

That's about all for now...


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