So here's how the trip was supposed to go...
Taylor and I would fly to Bristol for two weeks to visit my family, and then we would fly down to Melbourne to visit Jeff's family (where Jeff would meet us there) for two weeks. In those second two weeks, we were supposed to fly up to Dartmouth for a couple days for my five-year reunion. After those four weeks in the states, we were supposed to fly back to Korea to get back into the routine of things.
Here's how it actaully happened...
Taylor and I flew to Bristol for two weeks to visit my family. The visit went great and she was even okay on the flight over from Korea to Bristol. We were exhausted because she didn't sleep hardly at all (about 2 hours of a 14-hour flight), but we rested up and we had a great time in Bristol. Then it came time to fly again...which she did not like. The flight from Tri-Cities to Atlanta was a was a short 45-minute flight, but she cried the entire second half of the flight making it probably the longest flight ever for me. She didn't stop crying until I walked off of the plane. Yikes. I was dreading the flight from Atlanta to Melbourne. Luckily, this flight was not full and I had a row to myself and Tay...she began fussing as soon as we sat down in the plane, so I rocked her and prayed that she might fall asleep...please, please, please. Before we even took off, she was sound asleep in my arms...phew. I wondered how long she would stay out. This flight was supposed to be an hour and a half long...I didn't think I could take another 30 minutes of my baby crying her heart out. She must have felt sorry for me, so she was actually very good the entire flight and slept in my arms until we landed at the Melbourne airport. Yay!
After that scary travel day, I didn't want to put little Tay through another traveling ordeal (or myself). I decided to cancel our trip to Dartmouth (sad). Jeff arrived a few days later in Melbourne, and we relaxed and enjoyed spending time with the families. Taylor really enjoyed watching her cousins and especially chatting it up with her almost-twin cousin Lucy.
Overall, the trip went very well in Florida, and then, as we were about to head home...

This happened...a lovely appendectomy. Ugh.
Even my little Tay suffered because I was hospitalized...

My poor little baby had a bad stomach ache and a low-grade fever. We think it was because of the antibiotics that they pumped me full of for the surgery. She had to go 24 hours with my breastmilk, but thankfully, my sister-in-law (Lucy's mom) helped out by donating some of her frozen breastmilk for the cause. Baby made a full recovery and I am on my way to being back to normal...mostly. I think I'll have a deformed bellybutton forever...sad.
Well, we're now back in Korea after a surprisingly easy flight back (baby slept most of the way in my arms...:) Since we've been back, baby has made a HUGE developmental milestone. See video clip below!
Now, we're just wrestling with jet lag. Poor Tay is having a terrible time adjusting...but I think we'll get there eventually. I just need more sleep...zzz...
That's all for now.
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