I must be one of the luckiest moms in the world to be blessed with this little angel in my life. My mom, dad and brother left yesterday morning to go back to the states and the prospect of playing mom by myself during the day was quite scary. I didn't think I was ready or capable of taking care of this little person without another set of hands constantly helping me, but I survived my first day while Jeff was at work without any breakdowns or too much chaos...:) It's funny how motherhood is expected to be such a natural thing, but in actuality, it's such a learning experience. It's quite experimental, too. With a crying baby, you try various different methods that you think might work to stop the crying - it's amazing what a mother will do to figure out what this little creature needs to soothe her. :) Thankfully, our little Taylor is fairly easy to soothe, even when she's crying so hard that she turns purple...phew. Now the thing I need to figure out is how to fit in the rest of the household chores while still taking care of little Tay and meeting all her needs. I feel confident that I can now meet all her needs without too much trouble, and I've managed to slip away quickly enough to go to the bathroom without panicking when she starts wimpering.
This morning was our first venture out of the house - just her and me. I had to take her to the hospital to get her first immunization. I was quite nervous...but she was such a champ with me - putting up with me seating her into her car seat, getting examined, and even getting the shot. I was so nervous myself that when the doc told me that the shot would go on her left arm, I undressed her right arm...and they laughed at me and said that it was very common among new moms because the moms are more nervous than the babies! Little Tay wailed while she got the shot, but after the shot, I held her close to me and she stopped crying immediately. She just snuggled in close and went to sleep because that was the only way she could cope...poor thing. We still made it out of the hospital without too much trouble and I tucked her snugly back into the car seat and we made it home. Once we were home, we were both wiped and took a nap together.
I'm also very lucky in that our little one sleeps relatively well at night. I was so nervous about the first night because I was afraid that I might not wake up to her needing me...but, I did! I actually woke up before she started crying! It's like that little bit of motherly instinct inside of me was coming out...it was a wonderful realization for me...and a tremendous vote of confidence. Jeff has also been a tremendous help in boosting my confidence about becoming a mom...I think we're gonna make it. :)
I must get back to my new little family...:)
Much love,
Rosa and Jeff
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