Tuesday, September 11, 2007

16 Weeks

I'm starting my week 16 and have thus far had a relatively easy pregnancy. I've definitely had a few days of morning sickness where I spent more time saying hello to the bowl than I would have liked, but I have to think I've been lucky after some of the horror stories I've heard about morning sickness. Sleepiness is inevitable; I'm just glad I don't seem to have much trouble sleeping at night. As for rollercoaster emotions - not bad, actually. I've only just gotten more teary-eyed than usual watching shows like extreme home makeover and such. I do have a little bit of joint pain, a bit of indigestion, and a few dull headaches here and there, but nothing to really make me feel immobile. Thank goodness. Jeff and I just got back from a quick vacation in the Philippines, so I'll post some family pics here, soon. The pictures are the first shots of the little one starting to show in my belly. I'm really looking forward to my next appointment at the end of this month!

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