I realized I am over a whole month (two months???) behind in posting anything here! I can't believe it. I am up to over 300 photos I need to share, and haven't had a chance to even sort through them all...ugh. Anyhow, this will probably take me a few days to work on and write, so forgive me for the disjointedness of this post. I will hopefully be on a somewhat regular schedule of posting again in the near future...
Anyhow, trying to play catch-up is no fun because I forgot what's going on in some of the photos...but let's see how much I can remember:
Pool time still in Florida. The girls love the pool at their Granny and Pops' house!
CANNONBALL!Wagon rides are fun...:)
...but it can be exhausting, too, in the Florida heat. hehehe...
And the last photo I have to share from our time in Florida is a fresh-faced, Princess Jasmine baby. That concluded our time in Florida, so I will end this post here (I know, a very short post, but I'm trying...)
Farewell, Florida! We will see you again soon! (at the airport)