My baby girl is almost one year old...already. I can't believe that this past year has flown by so quickly...I wish I could rewind it and play it all over slow motion. I blinked and my baby girl is already walking around on her own two feet and calling me Mama. We have been so blessed...Tay has had two colds and one episode of running a fever due to some antibiotics I had to take for my appendicitis. Other than that, she has been quite healthy and growing like a little weed. The last time she weighed in, she was 10.5 kgs (23 lbs, 2 oz.)...but we didn't get her height. I'm hoping to get all her measurements before we head to the states for her first birthday party. During her first year, Tay has traveled quite a bit...we took her to Bristol, VA, Atlanta, GA, and Melbourne, FL. She also traveled to Koh Samui, Thailand, when she was almost six months old. Then she traveled to the Philippines when she was eight months old. Now as she is about to turn one year old, I think of when she was first born and how much she needed me...completely helpless to do anything by herself. Now she is already turning into a little independent lady who wants to do things herself...but lucky for me, she still needs me some of the time...:) hehehe...
I love her so very much...I miss her tiny-ness, but I am so proud and happy that she is becoming such a beautiful little lady.